Big Brother/Big Sister

Contact:  Jean Brown (Ext: 2225)
Big Brother/Big Sister is a Peer Mentor Program. We are in our 26th year and in 1996 we were recognized by the National Big Brother-Big Sister Organization. Juniors and Seniors volunteer to be a positive role model to an incoming 7th grade student.  Each 7th grader is assigned a Big Brother or Big Sister to assist them with adjusting to the setting of high school.  This Program is during school hours only. Each Big Brother and Big Sister is scheduled to meet with their Little Brother - Little Sister once a month, but they can visit them any time during Homeroom. Matches are made based on interest, hobbies, sports involvement, gender, and race.  Our Annual Awards Program/Make Your Own Sundae is the last Thursday in May to show our appreciation to everyone involved in this program.

Coordinator, Mrs. L. Jean Brown